

We developed an easy-to-use iGibson-human interface called Viewer for users to inspect and interact with our scenes and objects. The Viewer will automatically pop up if you use gui_non_interactive or gui_interactive mode in Simulator.

To play with an example of viewer, you can run the following command:

python -m igibson.examples.environments.env_int_example


python -m igibson.examples.environments.env_nonint_example

after downloading the Rs_int or Rs scenes (interactive or non-interactive, see the installation instructions) viewer.png

In example image above, you can see on the top left corner px 0.4 py -0.9 pz 1.2, which indicates the camera position, [1.0, 0.1, -0.1], which indicates the camera viewing direction, and manip mode, which indicates the current control mode you are in. There are three modes that we explain below.

Keyboard control includes the following

  • W, A, S, D, T, G: translate forward/left/backward/right/up/down

  • Q, E: rotate left/right

  • M: choose between different control mode (navigation, manipulation and planning)

  • R: start/stop recording

  • P: pause/resume recording

  • H: show help menu

  • ESC: exit

We have three control modes (navigation, manipulation and planning) and the mouse control is different for each control mode. You may switch between these control modes by pressing M.

Mouse control in navigation mode

  • Left click and drag: rotate camera

  • CTRL + left click and drag: translate camera

  • Middle click and drag: translate camera closer/further away in the viewing direction

Mouse control in manipulation mode

  • Left click and drag: create ball-joint connection to the clicked object and move it

  • Middle click and drag: create fixed-joint connection to the clicked object and move it

  • CTRL + click and drag: move the object further/closer

Mouse control in planning mode

  • Left click and drag: create (click), visualize (drag) and plan / execute (release) a base motion subgoal for the robot base to reach the physical point that corresponds to the clicked pixel

  • Middle click: create create, and plan / execute an arm motion subgoal for the robot end-effector to reach the physical point that corresponds to the clicked pixel

In manipulation and planning modes, a visual indicator will be visualized in the Viewer to assist control (e.g. the blue sphere at the bottom in the image above).

The code can be found in igibson/render/