We provide several Environments that follow the OpenAI gym interface facilitating training reinforcement learning agents for navigation and mobile manipulation tasks. An Environment instantiates a Scene, Object(s) and Robot(s) and import them into the contained Simulator. An Environment also instantiates a list of Sensors (usually as part of the observation space) and a Task, which further includes a list of Reward Functions and Termination Conditions.
The most general environment is the iGibsonEnv
, which code can be found here: igibson/envs/igibson_env.py.
For further information about the Scenes, Objects, Robots, Simulator or Renderer we refer to the corresponding pages. Here, we summarize additional information about Sensors
, and Tasks
We provide different types of sensors as lightweight wrappers around the renderer. Currently, we support RGB, surface normal, segmentation, 3D point cloud, depth map, optical flow, and scene flow, and also 1-beam and 16-beam LiDAR signals. Additionally, we provide a sensor noise model with random dropout (currently only for depth map and 1-beam LiDAR) to simulate real-world sensor noise and facilitate sim2real. The amount of noise can be controlled by depth_noise_rate
and scan_noise_rate
in the config files. Contributions of new noise models are welcome.
Most of the code can be found in igibson/sensors.
Task is an abstraction to define what needs to be achieved by an agent in a scene. The same scenes could hold multiple tasks. Each Task should implement reset_scene
, reset_agent
, step
and get_task_obs
will be called duringenv.reset
and should include task-specific details to reset the scene and the agent, respectively.step
will be called duringenv.step
and should include task-specific details of what needs to be done at every timestep.get_task_obs
returns task-specific observation (non-sensory observation) as a numpy array. For instance, typical goal-oriented robotics tasks should include goal information and proprioceptive states inget_task_obs
. Each Task should also include a list of Reward Functions and Termination Conditions as explained below.
We provide several useful predefined Embodied AI Tasks, ready to be used:
PointNavFixedTask: the agent should navigate to a predefined goal (point) location.
PointNavRandomTask: the agent should navigate to a goal (point) location that changes randomly after each reset.
InteractiveNavRandomTask: the agent should navigate to a goal (point) location that changes randomly after each reset dealing with multiple interactive obstacles in the way.
DynamicNavRandomTask: the agent should navigate to a goal (point) location that changes randomly after each reset, while avoiding several dynamically moving obstacles (other robots).
ReachingRandomTask: the agent should reach with its end-effector a target point that changes randomly after each reset.
RoomRearrangementTask: the agent needs to move multiple objects to a predefined goal configuration.
BehaviorTask: the agent should complete a long-horizon household activity defined in logic language (for more information, visit https://behavior.stanford.edu/).
The relevant code can be found in igibson/tasks.
In the following, we explain further the reward functions and termination conditions included as part of the tasks.
Reward Functions
At each timestep, env.step
will call task.get_reward
, which in turn sums up all the reward terms.
We provide a few common reward functions for robotics tasks.
The code can be found in igibson/reward_functions.
Termination Conditions
At each timestep, env.step
will call task.get_termination
, which in turn checks each of the termination condition to see if the episode is done and/or successful.
We provide a few common termination conditions for robotics tasks.
The code can be found in igibson/termination_conditions.
While Environments can be instantiated manually, it is easier to use a config file, a YAML file containing the relevant parameters. The config file specifies parameters such as the robot type, action frequency, etc., but also information about the Sensors (e.g. sensor types, image resolution, noise rate, etc), the Task (e.g. task type, goal distance range, etc), the Reward Functions (e.g. reward types, reward scale, etc), and the Termination Conditions (e.g. goal convergence threshold, time limit, etc). Many useful examples of config files can be found here: configs.
Here is one example: configs/turtlebot_nav.yaml
# scene
scene: igibson
scene_id: Rs_int
build_graph: true
load_texture: true
pybullet_load_texture: true
trav_map_type: no_obj
trav_map_resolution: 0.1
trav_map_erosion: 2
should_open_all_doors: true
# domain randomization
texture_randomization_freq: null
object_randomization_freq: null
# robot
name: Turtlebot
action_type: continuous
action_normalize: true
base_name: null
scale: 1.0
self_collision: false
rendering_params: null
name: DifferentialDriveController
# task
task: point_nav_random
target_dist_min: 1.0
target_dist_max: 10.0
goal_format: polar
task_obs_dim: 4
# reward
reward_type: geodesic
success_reward: 10.0
potential_reward_weight: 1.0
collision_reward_weight: -0.1
# discount factor
discount_factor: 0.99
# termination condition
dist_tol: 0.36 # body width
max_step: 500
max_collisions_allowed: 500
# misc config
initial_pos_z_offset: 0.1
collision_ignore_link_a_ids: [1, 2, 3, 4] # ignore collisions with these robot links
# sensor spec
output: [task_obs, rgb, depth, scan]
# image
# https://www.asus.com/us/3D-Sensor/Xtion_PRO_LIVE
fisheye: false
image_width: 640
image_height: 480
vertical_fov: 45
# depth
depth_low: 0.8
depth_high: 3.5
# scan
# Hokuyo URG-04LX-UG01
# https://www.hokuyo-aut.jp/search/single.php?serial=166
# n_horizontal_rays is originally 683, sub-sampled 1/3
n_horizontal_rays: 228
n_vertical_beams: 1
laser_linear_range: 5.6
laser_angular_range: 240.0
min_laser_dist: 0.05
laser_link_name: scan_link
# sensor noise
depth_noise_rate: 0.0
scan_noise_rate: 0.0
# visual objects
visible_target: true
visible_path: false
In the following, we explain th parameters included in this config:
Attribute | Example Value | Explanation |
scene | igibson | which type of scene: [empty, stadium, gibson, igibson] |
scene_id | Rs_int | scene_id for the gibson or igibson scene |
build_graph | true | whether to build traversability graph for the building scene |
load_texture | true | whether to load texture into MeshRenderer. Can be set to false if RGB is not needed |
pybullet_load_texture | true | whether to load texture into PyBullet, for debugging purpose only |
trav_map_resolution | 0.1 | resolution of the traversability map. 0.1 means each pixel represents 0.1 meter |
trav_map_erosion | 2 | number of pixels to erode the traversability map. trav_map_resolution * trav_map_erosion should be almost equal to the radius of the robot base |
should_open_all_doors | True | whether to open all doors in the scene during episode reset (e.g. useful for cross-room navigation tasks) |
texture_randomization_freq | null | whether to perform material/texture randomization (null means no randomization, 10 means randomize every 10 episodes) |
object_randomization_freq | null | whether to perform object randomization (null means no randomization, 10 means randomize every 10 episodes) |
robot | Turtlebot | which type of robot, e.g. Turtlebot, Fetch, Locobot, etc |
is_discrete | false | whether to use discrete action space for the robot |
velocity | 1.0 | maximum normalized joint velocity. 0.5 means maximum robot action will actuate half of maximum joint velocities that are allowed in the robot URDF file |
task | point_nav_random | which type of task, e.g. point_nav_random, room_rearrangement, etc |
target_dist_min | 1.0 | minimum distance (in meters) between the initial and target positions for the navigation task |
target_dist_max | 10.0 | maximum distance (in meters) between the initial and target positions for the navigation task |
goal_format | polar | which format to represent the navigation goals: [polar, cartesian] |
task_obs_dim | 4 | the dimension of task-specific observation returned by task.get_task_obs |
reward_type | geodesic | which type of reward: [geodesic, l2, sparse], or define your own |
success_reward | 10.0 | scaling factor of the success reward |
slack_reward | -0.01 | scaling factor of the slack reward (negative because it should be a penalty) |
potential_reward_weight | 1.0 | scaling factor of the potential reward |
collision_reward_weight | -0.1 | scaling factor of the collision reward (negative because it should be a penalty) |
discount_factor | 0.99 | discount factor for the MDP |
dist_tol | 0.36 | the distance tolerance for converging to the navigation goal. This is usually equal to the diameter of the robot base |
max_step | 500 | maximum number of timesteps allowed in an episode |
max_collisions_allowed | 500 | maximum number of timesteps with robot collision allowed in an episode |
initial_pos_z_offset | 0.1 | z-offset (in meters) when placing the robots and the objects to accommodate uneven floor surface |
collision_ignore_link_a_ids | [1, 2, 3, 4] | collision with these robot links will not result in collision penalty. These usually are links of wheels |
output | [task_obs, rgb, depth, scan] | what observation space is. sensor means task-specific, non-sensory information (e.g. goal info, proprioceptive state), rgb and depth mean RGBD camera sensing, scan means LiDAR sensing |
fisheye | false | whether to use fisheye camera |
image_width | 640 | image width for the camera |
image_height | 480 | image height for the camera |
vertical_fov | 45 | camera vertial field of view (in degrees) |
depth_low | 0.8 | lower bound of the valid range of the depth camera |
depth_high | 3.5 | upper bound of the valid range of the depth camera |
n_horizontal_rays | 228 | number of horizontal rays to simulate for the LiDAR |
n_vertical_beams | 1 | number of vertical beams to simulate for the LiDAR. Currently iGibson only supports n_vertical_beams == 1 |
laser_linear_range | 5.6 | upper bound of the valid range of the LiDAR |
laser_angular_range | 240.0 | angular range of the LiDAR (in degrees) |
min_laser_dist | 0.05 | lower bound of the valid range of the LiDAR |
laser_link_name | scan_link | the link name of the LiDAR sensor in the robot URDF file |
depth_noise_rate | 0.0 | noise rate for the depth camera. 0.1 means 10% of the pixels will be corrupted (set to 0.0) |
scan_noise_rate | 0.0 | noise rate for the LiDAR. 0.1 means 10% of the rays will be corrupted (set to laser_linear_range) |
visible_target | true | whether to show visual markers for the target positions that are visible to the agent |
visible_path | true | whether to show visual markers for the computed shortest path that are visible to the agent |
Using a Static Scene with an iGibsonEnv
In this example, we show how to instantiate an iGibsonEnv
with a Gibson static model, and how to step through the environment. At the beginning of each episode, we need to call env.reset()
. Then we need to call env.step(action)
to step through the environment and retrieve (state, reward, done, info)
: a python dictionary of observations, e.g.state['rgb']
will be a H x W x 3 numpy array that represents the current imagereward
: a scalar that represents the current rewarddone
: a boolean that indicates whether the episode should terminateinfo
: a python dictionary for bookkeeping purpose The code can be found here: igibson/examples/environments/env_nonint_example.py.
import logging
import os
from sys import platform
import yaml
import igibson
from igibson.envs.igibson_env import iGibsonEnv
from igibson.render.profiler import Profiler
from igibson.utils.assets_utils import download_assets, download_demo_data
def main(selection="user", headless=False, short_exec=False):
Creates an iGibson environment from a config file with a turtlebot in Rs (not interactive).
It steps the environment 100 times with random actions sampled from the action space,
using the Gym interface, resetting it 10 times.
print("*" * 80 + "\nDescription:" + main.__doc__ + "*" * 80)
# If they have not been downloaded before, download assets and Rs Gibson (non-interactive) models
config_filename = os.path.join(igibson.configs_path, "turtlebot_static_nav.yaml")
config_data = yaml.load(open(config_filename, "r"), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
# Reduce texture scale for Mac.
if platform == "darwin":
config_data["texture_scale"] = 0.5
# Shadows and PBR do not make much sense for a Gibson static mesh
config_data["enable_shadow"] = False
config_data["enable_pbr"] = False
env = iGibsonEnv(config_file=config_data, mode="gui_interactive" if not headless else "headless")
max_iterations = 10 if not short_exec else 1
for j in range(max_iterations):
print("Resetting environment")
for i in range(100):
with Profiler("Environment action step"):
action = env.action_space.sample()
state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
if done:
print("Episode finished after {} timesteps".format(i + 1))
if __name__ == "__main__":
(Mac users) If the execution fails with segfault 11, you may need to reduce texture scaling in the config file (igibson/configs/turtlebot_static_nav.yaml) to avoid out-of-memory error.
Using an Interactive Scene with an iGibsonEnv
In this example, we show how to instantiate iGibsonEnv
with a fully interactive scene Rs_int
. In this scene, the robot can interact with all the objects in the scene (chairs, tables, couches, etc). The code can be found here: igibson/examples/environments/env_int_example.py.
import logging
import os
from sys import platform
import yaml
import igibson
from igibson.envs.igibson_env import iGibsonEnv
from igibson.render.profiler import Profiler
from igibson.utils.assets_utils import download_assets
def main(selection="user", headless=False, short_exec=False):
Creates an iGibson environment from a config file with a turtlebot in Rs_int (interactive).
It steps the environment 100 times with random actions sampled from the action space,
using the Gym interface, resetting it 10 times.
print("*" * 80 + "\nDescription:" + main.__doc__ + "*" * 80)
# If they have not been downloaded before, download assets
config_filename = os.path.join(igibson.configs_path, "turtlebot_nav.yaml")
config_data = yaml.load(open(config_filename, "r"), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
# Reduce texture scale for Mac.
if platform == "darwin":
config_data["texture_scale"] = 0.5
# Improving visuals in the example (optional)
config_data["enable_shadow"] = True
config_data["enable_pbr"] = True
# config_data["load_object_categories"] = [] # Uncomment this line to accelerate loading with only the building
env = iGibsonEnv(config_file=config_data, mode="gui_interactive" if not headless else "headless")
max_iterations = 10 if not short_exec else 1
for j in range(max_iterations):
print("Resetting environment")
for i in range(100):
with Profiler("Environment action step"):
action = env.action_space.sample()
state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
if done:
print("Episode finished after {} timesteps".format(i + 1))
if __name__ == "__main__":